Monday, March 26, 2012


I have a goal to learn how to make tamales from scratch before we move from Texas (not sure exactly when that will be.) Authentic tamales are delicious, so when I was recently at Central Market and they were sampling some I was intrigued. I went to ask the guy if he knew if they were GF, because let's face it, as a celiac most often you have to avoid free food samplings at stores. To my surprise, the ones they were taste testing readily said, "gluten free" on a printed paper along with other features. I sampled some spinach flavored ones that were luscious and fresh tasting.

However, I decided to buy the chicken ones because I figured they were more versatile and I wouldn't get sick of them that quickly. The Texas Tamale Company also had other flavors like pork, beef, and black bean. I'm interested in trying more of these the next time I head to Central Market.

Look gluten free!

They are pretty easy to make although I didn't have a steamer so I improvised with my metal strainer. You simply boil water, then steam the tamales for 15 - 20 minutes.

They are not only delicious, but healthy. Two tamales is 130 calories and only 7 grams of fat; the tamales are also lard-free. You take the corn husks off before eating.

You can add sauce like cheese sauce or salsa, but I ate my plain. Even plain, they were filling and tasteful. Plus, they make for an easy dinner for one without all the hassle.

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