Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Start of Summer

My husband is thoughtful and warms my heart. He sent me these peonies to celebrate then end of another successful school year. Aren't they just beautiful! The end of the school year also means we are half way through the deployment. It is all downhill from here.

I also celebrated the end of the school year by purchasing a new pair of florescent orange Tom's.

Since my summer off from work has been in swing for 2 weeks, it actually means I've been taking classes for two weeks. I am participating in the San Antonio Writing Project (SAWP) and it is amazingly fantastic. I already gave an 1 hour and 1/2 demonstration about Pre-writing. I've created a video log to document a day at SAWP.  Of course, I've also had the opportunity to write! While I've been a little distracted from my blog, I've been trying other genres of writing. I think I am going to post my first narrative in the days to come.

Yes, I talk with my hands.

Last night, Iivana discovered a scorpion! I saw her playing with something and knew it was some sort of bug. Upon further investigation, I screamed and shooed her away when I saw it was a scorpion. Unsure what to do, I of course snapped a picture. Then I decided I needed to take action. I grabbed the broom, opened the door, and swept it outside! Hopefully there aren't any more in the house. Believe me, I am definitely watching everywhere I step.

I freaked out at Iivana because I didn't need another wound to heal! Of course, she is fine. Plus, her back paw is almost healed all the way. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bouquet from Justin. Cute, colorful Tom's! Looking forward to reading your narrative when you post it. Reading is a passion, therefore, I love thinking about the author's writing process prior to my read. Someday I may investigate writing. I know your Uncle Bud wants to write a few books when he is not working 10+ hours per day.



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